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Ema Geron Award

In honor of the first FEPSAC President, Dr. Ema Geron, the Managing Council decided in 2011 to install the FEPSAC Ema Geron Award. This award is bestowed upon a person or organisation in recognition of an exceptional national contribution to the development of sport and exercise psychology. With this award, FEPSAC recognizes the significance of local, regional, and/or national contributions that enrich the development of the domain of sport and exercise psychology in Europe.

Link: Ema Geron Award

Division Sport Psychology – BÖP- Award

This award is bestowed upon a person of an exceptional national contribution to the development of applied sport and exercise psychology. With this award, BÖP recognizes the significance of local contributions that enrich the development of the domain of sport and exercise psychology in this Austrian region.

Science Slam and Aplied Award

The best two Science and Applied Slam contributions (one for each category) will be awarded a prize by the Congress host.

FEPSAC Young Researcher Award & FEPSAC Young Practitioner Award

The Local Organizing Committee hosts the FEPSAC Young Researcher Award & FEPSAC Young Practitioner Award. FEPSAC invites young researchers and practitioners in Sport and Exercise Psychology to submit their scientific work for this award. The awards will be handed out to the winners of the category’s oral presentation and poster presentation.

1st prize oral presentation: 500€
2nd prize oral presentation: 300€
3rd prize oral presentation: 200€
1st prize poster presentation: 500€
2nd prize poster presentation: 300€
3rd prize poster presentation: 200€


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